This album is full of surprises; I was immediately drawn in by its hand-sewn sleeve adorned with a faded photo of a kissing-booth line, only to slide the disc out to reveal the stark contrast of a spray-painted black on hot pink CD. An Introduction to Sex Rock is a mix of bleeding heart love songs, with such lyrics as an echoing refrain of, "I'll always break your heart" and "Fight it, deny it, don't let yourself fall in love." The vocal minimalism and divulgent nature of the songs that comprise this album bring to mind Owen Ashworth's Casiotone for the Painfully Alone, but there is definitely more going on that just a casio backbeat; the layered compositions can be more accurately described by being cast in the same light as The Unicorns' Who Will Cut Our Hair When We're Gone? Songs one and four, for introductory purposes, employ the tired use of a child speaking (see: Bright Eyes "A Spindle, a Darkness, a Fever and a Necklace" and Her Space Holiday's "Meet the Parents").
Assorted indie-rock references set aside, what this album lacks in originality is makes up for in sheer pleasantness. Simply put, I liked it. I enjoyed listening to this album while driving, working, and napping. I liked the artwork, the creative though long-winded song titles, the songs with vocals, and the instrumental song "Red Music Rifle," which features a really awesome recorder. This introductory lesson in "Sex Rock" provides a thoroughly enjoyable listening experience. Sure it isn't the Greatest Band Ever, or even a reasonable runner-up, but I whole-heartedly recommend it.
-Sarah Stedman